Well I am getting a divorce from Albert. He ended up cheating about the time Kendra went to Oklahoma. I ended going wayward and sleeping with a couple of guys myself. I told Albert about it the whole time. He has even meet them also. In July of 2016 i tried to work it out with him but it didn't end all that great. So i left him the second time. In August, I meet Tommy Ratton.
I believe that he came to me for a very special reason. He seems to get me right off the bat. He has been similar events that I have been. Right now we are living in Pangburn since December 2016. He has two children. Melissa and Tommy. Melissa lives with us and Lil Tommy lives in Kansas. I have all ways wanted to have kids. This time I have two children. I love them both (Even though I have not meet Tommy yet) very much. Even if I don't actually give physical birth, I still have two children.
It all seems like it is too good to be true, I think this is the man I am actually supposed to be with and marry. I all ways wonder if all this bullshit I went through meant that I was supposed to end up with this wonderful man. I care so much about Tommy than I ever did with Albert. I just want them to know however I act towards them that I still love my new little family. I wish that they could see inside my head to see how much love I have for them all.
My diabetes does place a huge role in my attitude and Tommy understands it all. So i went into therapy at Harding University and I honestly don't think my therapist understands how I am feeling half the time. So I went to Families Inc. to sign up. I am going to try to try them out and see how it goes. Right now I am waiting for my intake. I am nervous about it all.
I am going to go. Probably be back on here today,